Just get started….

We have lived here at Park Farm for just over a year now and while its been a funny old time in the world generally, it’s definitely been a funny old time for us.

We had lived in the same house for 30 plus years and had the same wonderful neighbours for 25 of them. We had some amazingly happy times in that little house but we came to one of those “cross roads” moments in life where something had to give. We decided we couldn’t keep going the same way and we had to make some big changes and go in a completely new direction. So, we sold everything, bought two used shipping containers for our furniture and an old mobile home from a holiday park near Jaywick and moved here.

I had wanted to share some of the jobs we’ve done, the projects we’d been thinking about, you know the ones that spin off from the thoughts constantly buzzing around your heads but I really didn’t know where to start with this blog business.

So after a lot of faffing and general procrastination, here we go….. I won’t bore you all to death but, if nothing else, it’ll be a record for us of our journey. It won’t be just the good bits either but a warts and all account of the stuff we get up to whether its trying to figure out how to stop the muntjack eating all of the plants I’ve lovingly planted for the bees! Or trying to plan a fruit and veg garden with virtually no experience.

Anyway, watch this space…..


Tipi Folk


Mud, mud, glorious mud..…